The General is coming
The new (well, not really new – he was elected in January 2008) Jesuit General, Fr Adolfo Nicolas, a cheerful and visionary Spaniard, will spend the weekend of 11-14 September in Ireland. It will not be a holiday, as readers can gather from the attached itinerary below. By the time he flies back to Rome on Monday 14th, after breakfasting with Cardinal Brady, he will have given a special fillip to the 150th birthday celebrations of Crescent College Comprehensive, and met hundreds of Jesuits and friends.
Thursday, September 10th
14.30 Arrive at Dublin Airport and flies to Shannon.
18.00 Dinner with Province Consult and Dooradoyle Community.
Friday, September 11th
09.15 Arrives at Crescent College for tour of school.
10.15 Meets Board and Parents’ Council in Library.
11.00 Mass.
12.00 Addresses Staff, Board, Parents’ Council, Senior Pupils.
Question-and-Answer Session
Tony White presents the History of Crescent
13.00 Lunch.
14.00 Meets Eugene Quinn of JRS and some beneficiaries.
14.30 Travels to Dublin.
18.00 Meets the Strategic Group who have been overseeing the negotiations with TCD and the Trustees of the proposed Institute of Catholic Theology at TCD
19.00 Attends a special reception for benefactors and friends.
Saturday, September 12th
09.00 Arrives at Gonzaga College to meet the Ignatian Family of Religious Sisters and Brothers
09.45 Meets Delegates Chairs, Directors of Works.
10.30 Addresses all those invited from various Jesuit works
Question-and-Answer Session
Brian O’Leary presents his book “Jesuit Spirituality”.
12.00 Lunch
13.00-16.00 Free
17.00 Mass for Jesuits in Milltown Park
Meets Novices after Mass
18.00 Drinks followed by dinner
After dinner, Question-and-Answer Session
Sunday, September 13th
11.00 Mass in Gardiner Street (Families and Friends of Jesuits invited)
12.00 Reception in Belvedere
13.30 Leaves for Belfast
17.00 Dines with Jesuit Community in Belfast.
19.00 Addresses an invited group at the Belfast Campus of the University of Ulster followed by a
Question-and-Answer Sesssion
Monday, September 14th
09.00 Breakfast with Cardinal Brady
16.14 Flies back to Rome after lunch in Portadown.