Brian Grogan 4: God’s BHAG for the world!
‘God’s Project for the World’ is the fourth and final talk by Brian Grogan SJ via Zoom, for Knock Shrine, broadcast on Wednesday 25 November 2020 at 8.30 pm. The talks all centered on the theme of life after death, the possibility of it, and what we might dare say about it.
The title of each talk sums up his theme for the night. In this talk Brian reflects on God’s intentions for the world – God’s ‘project’, or BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal, in business-management-speak). He explores the possibility of speaking about what life after death will be like. Given that no one but Jesus has ever come back after death, he wonders what we can say about the ‘eternal life’ that is promised. We are assured, he says, that “all restlessness will come to an end”, and so death becomes “an integrating, life-giving encounter with the life-giving God”. Not only that, says Brian, but we are also actually “wanted, waited for, smiled upon and thanked”.
You can watch the video above, and you can download Brian’s notes here ».