Pope Video: People on the margins
In the Pope Video for September, Pope Francis asks people to “pray for those people on the margins of society in subhuman living conditions, that they may not be neglected by institutions and never be cast out”.
“A homeless person who dies on the street will never appear among the top stories of search engines or newscasts,” the Pope says, and asks “How could we have reached this level of indifference?”
Commenting on the Pope’s appeal, Fr Frederic Fornos SJ, International Director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, comments: “How is it possible to find a tangible solution to the millions of outcasts who often meet only with indifference, or even annoyance, in response? Pope Francis invites us to approach poverty and exclusion differently. This means praying, since prayer transforms our hearts, it changes our outlook and opens us up to others, in particular, to the most vulnerable. Let us pray with Pope Francis for a ‘culture of welcoming,’ so that everyone who needs it might find welcome, shelter, a home, love, and human warmth.”