A round-up from Messenger Publications

The Messenger Publications have brought out a number of publications including a booklet on meditations, a book on the dialogue between members of two Irish Churches, and a volume of liturgies for young people.
I am Infinitely Loved: A Month of Meditations is a booklet by Brian Grogan SJ, a prolific writer of Ignatian Spirituality. It is a small treasure which you can keep by you and dip into for daily enrichment. On each right hand page you will find a verse from Scripture, adjusted to make it personal to yourself. On each left hand page is a meditation in the form of a conversation with God, and you are invited to insert your own name into this and ‘get personal’ with it until it finds a home in your heart. You can then dare to believe Pope Francis when he says that “when everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved.”
Does Christ Matter? An Anglican and a Jesuit in Dialogue by Timothy Kinahan and Brian Lennon SJ is a dialogue between members of two Irish Churches, the Anglican and the Catholic. The authors begin with a fresh look at Christ’s life and teaching in the gospels, asking critical questions about their relevance to today’s world. With this as a base they then engage in a critique of their own Churches against the standard set by the gospels: that Christian Churches should reflect the love of the Three Persons in God, for God, and for all human beings.
They ask and suggest answers to the question: why are Churches relevant to tough questions of conflict, politics and social issues? Although the authors’ respective communities in Northern Ireland are divided, they have worked together for over forty years on issues of theology, conflict, reconciliation and the relevance of Christ in a pluralist society.
Liturgies with Young People is edited by Donal Neary SJ who is well-known for his collections of reflections, prayer services and Masses for young people. This new volume contains some of his original liturgies, along with new services prepared by a group of experienced chaplains and catechists. These liturgies are both Eucharistic and non-Eucharistic, and take into account the interests of young people, making them ideal for use in schools and other gatherings.
Liturgies with Young People considers the spiritual development and interests of young people and may be used by priests, teachers and young people preparing the liturgy together. They may select a theme themselves, or may even pick and choose between readings from different themes.