Big thanks for ‘Breathing Together’
Xavier Jeyaraj SJ, Secretary for Social Justice and Ecology, has published a letter of gratitude to those who supported the ‘Breathing Together’ Prayer Vigil which took place on 25 September, 2020.
The Jesuit initiative was organised to mark the Season of Creation, a time to celebrate the natural world and to join in prayer and action to protect the environment. It took place over four days, from 1 September to 4 October. Click here for the Irish Jesuit story of the vigil ».
In his letter to Presidents of Conferences, Provincials, Socii and the communication teams, Xavier Jeyaraj SJ gave thanks for a unique and fruitful experience for all participants. He said:
“This would not have been possible without your interest, commitment and contribution.
To give you a general idea, there were more than 16,000 people, communities, families, youth groups who participated on the live event at the three times-zones in English and Spanish, and later on, in the first 48 hours.
Many Jesuits, religious communities and families seemed to have joined in the vigil together. This number will certainly increase in the coming days or weeks with the clean version of the videos already uploaded in the YouTube channel of the Society of Jesus.”
Click here for the full letter of gratitude ».
The Social Justice and Ecology Secretariat based in Rome has published an online newsletter highlighting some of the major initiatives and events that occurred during the Season of Creation. These include:
- Ecojesuit Common Good Series: Monthly interview episodes highlighting different actions happening in various institutions globally that are hoped to spark inspiration for ecological action and open opportunities for collaboration. It features conversations with individuals leading initiatives on any of Ecojesuit’s six lead actions to highlight the interconnectedness of people across borders and to promote global solidarity. Click here for more information ».
- A Catholic Liturgical Guide: This booklet prepared by Fr James Hug SJ, introduces the Season of Creation and offers resources for celebrating each of the Sundays of the season from 1 September, the World Day for Prayer for Creation through 4 October, the feast of St Francis Assisi. It offers penitential rite suggestions, prayers for the liturgy, scriptural reflections and more. May these resources help you celebrate the Season of Creation with the seriousness and prayerfulness it needs and deserves. The booklet is available in English and Spanish. Click here for more information ».
- Healthy Habits for a Healthy Planet: The Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) will mark the annual ecumenical Season of Creation, standing alongside thousands of Christians from around the world during a celebratory month encouraging care for our common home. As a leading partner in this global initiative, ISN has launched a campaign, Season of Creation Challenge: Daily Habits for a Healthy Planet. The campaign encourages participants to hold space in their daily lives for climate action, choosing one daily concrete, simple action to explore a radical new way of interacting with creation. Click here for more information ».
- Being Guardians of God’s Creation in these Amazonian Lands: “The Amazonia is constantly threatened by numerous depredatory activities that have an impact both on the natural habitats of flora and fauna and, especially, on many indigenous peoples and their cultures.” We are called to a paradigm change, to a change of our way of life, to structural, systemic transformations in the social, political, and economic orders. “To evangelize Amazonian peoples, entrusting them a leading role in the care of this God’s gift to the world.” Click here for more information ».