Jesuit film expert visits Dublin

January 22, 2008 in Media

richard_leonard.jpgRichard Leonard SJ, who lectures in cinema and theology at Melbourne’s United Faculty of Theology, will spend some days in Dublin in mid-February. The Jesuit Communication Centre is hosting the visit and is arranging for him to give a number of public lectures on film studies in such venues as Manresa. More details will be posted in AMDG Weekly soon.

Richard is currently Director of the Australian Catholic Film Office and Catholic Church Television Australia, lecturer in film and media, University of Melbourne. He has undergraduate degrees in arts, education and theology, and he pursued graduate studies at the London Film School at Covent Garden. He also has a PhD in cinema studies from Melbourne University, where he wrote on The Mystical gaze of the cinema: the films of Peter Weir.

On top of his lecturing duties, Richard is the chief film critic for numerous Australian Catholic newspapers. He has served on juries at the Berlin, Hong Kong, Brisbane and Melbourne International Film Festivals and has lectured on film and culture across Australia and the Pacific, the UK, Ireland and the USA.

Other books he has written include Movies that matter: reading film in the light of Christian faith (Loyola University Press, Chicago) and Preaching to the converted on Sundays and feastdays throughout the year (Paulist Press, New York).