Celebrating An Timire agus Foilseacháin Ábhar Spioradálta
On Thursday 11 June An Timire agus Foilseacháin Ábhar Spioradálta (FS) held a very successful book launch and celebration of their work at Belvedere House. A great evening’s entertainment, caint agus cómhra, was experienced by all with an insight into both Irish and French culture.
On entry to the recently renovated Georgian mansion, those in attendance were treated to music from renowned harpist Deirdre Seaver. As they climbed the stairs, the guests were transported to another era of fine living in the angelic setting as Belvedere House was showcased in all its splendour including the fine front of house meeting room which was decorated with wedgewood blue ceilings and red walls. To begin proceedings Ray Mac Mánais, President of Oireachtas na Gaeilge and Deirdre Seaver gave a short concert to the audience’s delight. Frank Brady SJ then welcomed the large attendance and Bean an Ti Blathnaid O Bradaigh introduced the books that were to be launched: An Chuallacht Léannta, essays on the work of Jesuits in Irish Scholarship; Srapnal, a book of poetry by Pól Ó Muirí; and Conair an Fraince go Santiago, Frainc Mac Brádaigh’s description of his experiences and personal journey on the Camino.
An Chuallacht Léannta is a celebration of three Irish Jesuits who contributed to the development of literature, education and lexicography in the Irish language. During her review of the book Helen Ó Múrchú amused the audience with the literal English interpretation §. Srapnel, a collection of poetry from Belfast born Pól Ó Muirí was presented by the author himself as well as by the ever lively Helen Ó Múrchú. The explosive image of shrapnel fronted the book and Pól (pictured) entertained us with his Gerry-Adams-like voice, as he read his poem Fleascadh with particular vigour and effect. Author Frank Brady SJ showed up well dressed with a tie for the third book, Conair na Fraince go Santiago. His physical and spiritual journey along the Camino was displayed with hundreds of images on the TV screen. Frank gave an example of meeting a fellow pilgrim in a hostel who challenged and changed him; he asserts that this is what the Camino does regardless of your belief system. He spoke with warmth and thanked the French people in particular, who were most hospitable to him during his pilgrimage.
There was engaging conversation afterwards; both fluent speaker and Irish enthusiast mingled to create a most enjoyable cultural occasion. The event was very important for the ongoing development of An Timire, the oldest Irish language magazine in print, and Foilseacháin Ábhar Spioradálta (FS) who have been publishing books in Irish on spirituality and culture since 1956.
Bhi oíche hiontach shiamsaíochta agus céilúradh ag An Timire agus Foilseacháin Ábháir Spioradálta í dTeach Belvedere, Sráid na Danmhairge Mhór ar an Deardaoin 11ú Meitheamh le hadhaigh seoladh trí leabhar nua atá díreach curtha í gcló ag Foilseacháin Ábháir Spioradálta:– An Chuallacht Léannta, aistí ar obair Íosánaigh i nGort Litríochta na Gaeilge, Srapnal, leabhar filíochta le Pól Ó Muirí, agus Conair an Fraince go Santiago le Frainc Mac Brádaigh. Bhí oíche spleodrach taithneamhach ag an slua mór a raibh í láthair don ocáid idir caint agus cómhrá, ceol álainn ón cláirseóir Deirdre Seaver agus Ray Mac Mánais, Uachatarán Oireachtas na Gaeilge, chomh maith le mionchuntas agus léirmheas suimúil ar na leabhair.