Clongowes celebrates Jesuits
Between 25-27 November, Clongowes ran a series of events for all classes under the title ‘Celebrating our Jesuits’. There were posters throughout the concourse featuring Jesuit works in Ireland; there were slide presentations on Jesuit saints and on opportunities to work with Jesuits; and some Jesuits shared their life experiences with interested students. Particularly well received was Conall Ó Cuinn’s ‘This is Your Life’-style of interview with Peter Sexton SJ (seen here as a younger man at Taizé) before a large number of senior students. The series of events was organized by Frank Clarke, Director of Ethos in the college, and was timed to coincide with the annual visitation of the Irish Provincial, John Dardis SJ, who celebrated the school mass which brought these very successful proceedings to an end.