Liam Lawton in fine voice

The ever popular liturgical singer songwriter Fr Liam Lawton drew a large crowd for his concert in the Jesuit church of St Ignatius in Galway on Tuesday 15 December. The event was co-hosted by Messenger Publications and the Jesuit Centre of Spirituality and Culture, Galway with the proceeds going to Cope Galway who work with the homeless in the city as well people living alone.
Liam performed a mix of Christmas hymns and his own compositions including Bethlehem Sky, Ave Maria and the Cloud’s Veil. A medley of Christmas carols and songs found an enthusiastic choir in the assembly and Charlie Davey SJ of the Jesuit Centre of Spirituality in Galway who was at the concert said, “Liam has a real gift for relating with his audience and he even got the congregation singing in fine voice. The brilliant light work added to the wonderful atmosphere.”
Apart from giving people a taste of music, the evening offered the occasion to publicise the work not only of Messenger Publications, but also the work of the Spirituality Centre and Cope Galway.
“It was a spiritually uplifting event for all present preparing for Christmas and we’ve had lots of heartwarming comments from those who came along on the night. We are really grateful to Liam for such a special evening in Galway. And for us in the Spirituality Centre it brought home the usefulness of running joint ventures rather than going it alone! For the past two years Cope Galway run a weekly lunch club for Senior citizens from our centre with help from senior pupils in Coláiste Iognáid. Well done to Donal Neary, editor of the Messenger for following through on a great idea!”