‘Live simply, share generously’

Stephen Kenny, manager of the Irish Football Team, launched the Peter McVerry Trust’s Christmas Fundraising Appeal at the charity’s latest social housing scheme a few hundred metres from the Aviva Stadium. The venue is near Haddington Road, where the charity has created 18 social housing apartments by refurbishing two vacant buildings. Tenants will now be moving into these homes in time for Christmas. You can support the charity’s appeal by clicking here » or calling 00 353 1 823 0776.
The Trust launched its Christmas fundraising appeal after what was described as a “very challenging year.” But undaunted, the charity, which expects to support over 10,000 people in 2021, hopes to have its best year yet in securing new homes for people impacted by homelessness.
The theme of this year’s appeal is ‘Live simply, share generously’, a quote from Fr Peter McVerry’s interview with Tommy Tiernan on RTÉ earlier in the year ».
Speaking at the launch Stephen Kenny said he was delighted to be asked to launch the appeal because “I have huge admiration for the work Peter McVerry Trust does with some of the most vulnerable people in our communities for many years. I sincerely hope that the public will come out and back this appeal so that the charity can raise the money it needs to continue to support people right across Ireland.”
Commenting on the social housing apartments close by, which are provided by the Trust, he said, “These apartments are an example of how Peter McVerry Trust is delivering solutions to the challenges they and the people they support face on a daily basis”.
Peter McVerry SJ expressed his gratitude to Stephen Kenny noting that, “Stephen has used his profile to raise awareness of the issue of homelessness on many occasions. We are grateful to him for giving up his time at such short notice as he approaches what is an exceptionally busy period for him”.
He said that he hope that the public would support the Trust in any way that they could. “We fully appreciate that many have faced incredibly difficult times and do so on a daily basis, as we see this in our work every day,” said Peter, adding, “However, for many in society they remain in a place of relative comfort and we hope that they appreciate the message in living simply and giving generously”.
Pat Doyle, CEO of Peter McVerry Trust also spoke at the launch saying that since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic the Trust had worked with more people than ever before, and were ensuring that they could support and protect all those in their care to the best of their ability.
“We have also extended our supports and services to help individuals and groups that we have not previously engaged with while continuing to offer solutions,” he said, adding, “Fortunately, through initiatives such as Housing First we have been providing pathways to housing for those in need, helping thousands secure a home since the onset of the pandemic.”
This year the Peter McVerry Trust will work with over 10,000 people, a 20% increase on last year. “Unfortunately, the fundraising environment has been incredibly challenging since the onset of Covid-19 in Ireland,” says Pat Doyle, who hopes that the public will back the charity and help raise the funds needed to maintain the level of supports it offers to vulnerable people across Ireland.
“We know, and have seen first-hand over the years, the generosity of the Irish public and we hope that people who are in a position to donate and support this year’s Christmas appeal do so, whether it’s on an individual level, as a business, a group of employees or through community groups. We hope people will reflect on the simple message to ‘live simply and share generously’, as we need all the support we can get in the run-up to Christmas.”