Manresa’s new director

January 10, 2024 in Featured News, News

Shane Daly, the Irish Jesuit Provincial, has appointed Joe Greenan as Director of Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality » effective from January 2024. He is the first layperson to hold this position.

Joe brings wide experience from his close engagement in the work of the Province over 17 years, primarily in his role as human resources. In addition, Joe has been involved in Partners in Mission, the Peter Kenney Project, and the Ignatian Leadership programme, which he took part in before the Covid-19 pandemic. He now chairs the ILP advisory group to the Provincial. He has also served on several boards in the Province.

Speaking about his new role Joe Greenan says, “I’m thrilled to have been accepted as the new Director in Manresa and I look forward to our opening in May/ June, even if it is on a gradual basis.” He notes that the refurbished and new building offers great possibilities for the future and says the staff “are excited and can’t wait until we have you back in Manresa.”

Quoting from the Old Testament prophet Isaiah Joe says, “As the prophet says, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” I too, look forward to seeing you in our newly furbished retreat house, and we all hope you will ‘come and see’.

In his letter informing the Province of the appointment the Provincial said “Joe undertakes this role at an important time in Manresa as the complex building project reaches its final stages and the retreat house prepares to reopen in the coming months.”

He also thanked all who have continued Manresa’s operations and ministries, especially Dr Paul Higgins and Sr Aileen Murphy RLR.

The provisions to be made for the human resources that have been undertaken by Joe will be communicated in due course.

The Provincial says he wishes Joe well in this role as he guides the apostolate into its new era, and so do all his friends and colleagues.