Psalm 23 in the light of the Synod

As the end of the Synod on the Family in Rome is approaching, an adaptation of Psalm 23 (The Good Shepherd) is offered, since it was Pope Francis who said that the Church should imitate this admirable figure. “Each one of us can do our part by having the attitude of the Good Shepherd, who knows every one of his sheep, and excludes no one from his infinite love.” He also said the Church should be like a mother who welcomes all her children and is willing to give her life for them (Vatican Radio, 5 August, 2015). Supporting documentation in consultation with the faithful is drawn upon to present this adaptation.
The Lord is our shepherd, we exclude no one.
He helps us to relax,
he leads parents to silent prayer,
he reenergises our families.
He guides us with collective wisdom
in his own name.
Even though we encounter
a severe crisis of faith,
we will fear no evil,
for you are with our woundedness;
your warm blanket,
comforts our children.
You prepare us well
in the face of life’s stresses.
You bless each partner;
in abundant grace.
Your goodness and love will follow us
all the days of our lives,
and we will glorify Jesus
Photo: Toby Hudson / Wikimedia (CC)