Short Notices

- The Jesuit archives in Leeson Street have been cared for by Fergus O’Donoghue SJ and a series of gifted assistants, all on one-year contracts. It brings joy to all who know him that the latest of these, Damien Burke from Cork, has been given a permanent contract. He is pictured here (left) with Fergus.
- Brendan McManus SJ, the first editor of AMDG Express, has been so enthused by the potential of the Kairos retreat that he has taken it a step forward, using digital technology to improve especially the areas of documentation, accessibility of resources and the ability to integrate accumulated wisdom. For further information on this project contact Brendan McManus SJ at [email protected].
- In Chula House, Lusaka, Fr Tom McGivern is recovering steadily from a head-battering assault, and is the focus of tender love and care from the hundreds of people he has helped in his ministry. He may be returning to Ireland next month.
- The Mission officers of the Jesuit NW Assistancy met recently in The Hague with an eye to developing a joint project, allowing for the broad focus of the four offices: Dublin looks to Zambia/Malawi, East Africa and China; London to Zimbabwe, South Africa and Guyana; Brussels to the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi; and the Dutch to Indonesia.
- The 2011 Bolton Trust/DIT ‘ Student Entrepreneur Awards’ will be presented on Wednesday, 23 Marchat 6.30pm in the Kathleen O’Sullivan theatre, DIT,Cathal Brugha Street. Students from all six DIT colleges have submiited entries. For further information visit
FR PROVINCIAL’S DIARY 28 March – 9 April: Colloquium of New Provincials in Rome |
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