The Designing Messenger

March 19, 2009 in General, News

messenger_01.jpgMessenger Publications, having recruited Paula Nolan as a Designer, have now successfully worked in collaboration with the Pioneers and the Centre for Faith and Justice (JCFJ). They provided a design solution for the Pioneer’s Temperance Sunday project, which included the 8-page standalone supplement as well as the marketing posters for the churches and press campaign. From the joint experience of Paula and Manager Triona (pictured here, Triona on left), they were able to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for design solutions and print advice. If any other Apostolates/Missions would like to avail of their services, they should  give Triona a call. Read on to learn what services are on offer.


In launching Gerry O’Hanlon’s The Recession and God for the JCFJ the Messenger moved a step further, and managed the entire process from design concept to published book, which included advice on all aspects of print production down to suitable paper stocks, weights and binding, with an eye on the target audience. A second collaborative project with the JCFJ is already in the pipeline, as is a project with Partners in Missions.  Their latest enterprise is illustrated here:  a selection of Sister Maureen MacMahon’s articles on art as first serialized in The Messenger magazine. It is available exclusively through Messenger Publications – either online or via phone 01 6767491.