Travelling the Pilgrim Road
On 3 February in Manresa, the Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, a group of 21 people led by Brendan Comerford SJ, and accompanied by Paddy Carberry SJ, Avril O’Regan RLR and Eileen O’Brien began a journey with other ‘fellow pilgrims’ along The Pilgrim Road – a programme of eight evenings offering participants the experience of journeying along the path of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Each session involves some short introductory input, some time for reflection on that input, and a time for sharing reflections. Ignatius wrote in the Spiritual Exercises, “It is not knowing much, but realising and relishing things interiorly, that contents and satisfies the person.” This course aims to help participants to experience together the graces of the Spiritual Exercises and so enrich their lives of faith and service.