WMOF: Young people discern

August 29, 2018 in Featured News, Featured Podcasts, News, World Meeting of Families

The Irish Jesuits organised a ‘Faith in the Modern World’ retreat for young people from all over Europe in preparation for the World Meeting of Families and Pope Francis’ visit to Ireland at Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, Dublin from 20 to 26 August 2018. The initiative helped the retreatants to discern how to follow the call to live a Christ-like life in an Ignatian way and in line with the papacy.

Along with Irish Jesuits, presenters came from St Beuno’s Jesuit Spirituality Centre in Wales and the North-West European Novitiate in Birmingham. This team enabled the young people to draw from the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola, dealing with topics such as the cry of the poor and taking care of the planet.

In his work with the retreatants, coordinator Niall Leahy SJ discussed the consolation of the head and heart working together. He also discussed helping the retreatants to develop a new set of spiritual tools to discern where God was drawing them. Click on the podcast link below to listen.

Retreatant Sean O’Rourke spoke about meditating and contemplating on Saint Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises. He also spoke about the spiritual movements of consolation and desolation and basking in gratitude. Listen below.

Feargal O’Cleirigh talked about living his faith and getting his feet muddy in the world today. He also talked about being inspired by the many events of the World Meeting of Families. Listen below.

Máire Fitzgerald spoke on the call to love and service – reaching out to wounded hearts. She spoke about being empowered to go out and give of herself in service. Listen below.

Irish Jesuit Brendan McManus enjoyed supporting Niall Leahy SJ and the team during the week. He shared his vocation story with the young people which was thought to be particularly inspiring.