Featured Podcasts

Mission is for everyone

March 14, 2019

David Tuohy SJ is co-author with Maria Feeny of a book on discipleship based on the five 'marks of mission' within the Anglican communion

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Government officials are “Dickensian” on homelessness – McVerry

November 17, 2017

The government's attitude to homelessness is "Dickensian", says Peter McVerry; they blame homeless people rather than recognise the failure of their own policies

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Why did the Jesuits elect Fr Sosa?

October 19, 2016

Michael O'Sullivan SJ says that to understand why the Jesuits elected someone like Fr Sosa, one has to look at the context, as well as the man himself.

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A memoir full of gratitude

audio May 6, 2015

Catherine McCann, lifelong friend of recently deceased Jesuit Charlie O'Connor, has just published 'In Gratitude: The Story of a Gift-Filled Life', a memoir of what Tom Casey SJ calls 'an...

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