Jesuit Restoration

‘Passion and Persuasion’

April 15, 2015

Dr Audrey Nicholls, art curator, takes Pat Coyle on a tour of 'Passion and Persuasion', an exhibition of Jesuit-inspired paintings in the National Gallery of Ireland. The exhibition has been...

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Jesuits and the Arts

April 1, 2015

"The Society of Jesus was probably the most prolific patron of the arts in the Baroque era". This was the bold claim made by renowned historian John O'Malley SJ during...

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Rediscovering a Caravaggio masterpiece

March 12, 2015

The National Gallery’s Assistant Director came one day to meet Noel Barber SJ. He had astonishing news for him. That painting from the community dining room – it was an...

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Final bicentenary commemoration events

January 15, 2015

A lecture by Dr David Tuohy SJ on 'Jesuit Humanism in Education' and a major exhibition entitled 'In the Spirit of the Saints: the Jesuit Influence on Baroque Art' will...

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