Lay Retreat Association

Spiritual director honoured

April 24, 2018

Fergus O’Keefe SJ was honoured for his years of service and devotion to the Lay Retreat Association in Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality

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‘Remember, give thanks, be surprised’.

October 7, 2016

Longstanding members of the Lay Retreat Association gathered for a final thanksgiving Mass followed by dinner in Milltown Park

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Farewell with gratitude to LRA

June 7, 2016

After over seventy successful years offering retreats to lay people, the LRA is to discontinue its ministry due to the ageing profile of its officers, all of whom were volunteers.

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Great response to LRA retreat

February 24, 2016

The Lay Retreat Association (LRA) held a one day retreat on 14 February, at Milltown Park. Almost 80 people turned up.

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LRA gets new president

June 10, 2008

The Lay Retreat Association (LRA) elected a new president, John Redmond, at its AGM on 20 May in Milltown Park. The outgoing president, Pat Carey, suffered a stroke recently. Though...

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