Great response to LRA retreat

February 24, 2016 in News

The Lay Retreat Association (LRA) held a one day retreat on 14 February, at Milltown Park. Almost 80 people, male and female, turned up for the retreat and extra chairs had to be found to fit everyone in.

Fr Shane Daly led the retreat through a series of talks and meditations. He asked people to ‘relax’ with the Lord, to take time out just to be and to get in touch with what is going on inside, with their feelings and the movements of the Spirit.

“God is gazing down upon us and loving us’. From Ignatius Loyola, me need to be aware of Gods gaze on us and how that transforms us.”

Fr Shane noted that “We are God’s work of art” [Ephesians 2:10]. “How,” he suggested attendants ask themselves, “is God the artist painting me?”