Centre for Faith and Justice
54-72 Gardiner Street Upper,
Dublin 1,
Telephone: +353 1 855 6814
Web: www.jcfj.ie
E-Mail: [email protected]
Keith Adams, Penal Policy Advocate: [email protected]
Kevin Hargaden, Social Theologian and Director: [email protected]
Martina Madden, Housing Policy Advocate: [email protected]
Ciara Murphy, Environmental Policy Advocate: [email protected]
The mission of the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice is to promote justice for all through social analysis, theological reflection, action, education, and advocacy.
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The Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice undertakes social analysis, theological reflection and action in relation to issues of social justice, including housing and homelessness, penal policy, asylum and migration, and international development.
It endeavors to help Christian groups reflect on the social issues affecting them, in the light of the Gospel and Christian social teaching, and it helps community and other groups analyze the root causes of injustices and inequalities which affect them. Furthermore, JCFJ conducts research relevant to marginalised groups, such as prisoners, asylum seekers, and the mentally ill, and it publishes the journal “Working Notes” three times yearly. Each issue contains an in-depth analysis of social and economic issues as they affect the most needy in Irish society.
Another aspect of the work done at JCFJ is the hands-on support which the staff provide to people in need, such as the long-term unemployed, early school leavers, homeless young people, and asylum seekers and immigrants. And JCFJ also campaigns with other organisations to achieve structural change for these people.