2. The Lotto experiment

December 5, 2017 in 10 Spiritual Exercises for Everyone

You have won 1 million Euro in the lottery and after the initial excitement, you are trying to decide what to do with it. There are three possibilities you are invited to imagine, when you consider these, see them in your imagination, as if it were really happening, and see what sorts of feelings go along with them.

  1. You want to do the right thing, you think about giving the money away, giving it to a worthy cause, but you can’t decide and end up keeping it for yourself. Imagine how you would spend it, how would this feel?
  2. You want to do the right thing, you think about giving the money away, giving it to a worthy cause. You don’t want to give all of it away though, so you decide to give some away and keep the rest for yourself. Imagine how this option would feel
  3. You want to do the right thing, you think about giving the money away, giving it to a worthy cause. But you can’t decide, you’re not sure what to do, you can see positive things in keeping it, giving it away- you ask God for help, you want to leave it up to God. Imagine how this option would feel.

There is no right or wrong answer here – just notice how each option affects you, how you react, what you prioritise. Above all, notice what you are attached to, what is automatic in your thinking (e.g. I should give everything away; money always brings trouble etc.). You are trying to get to a position where you could go with any of the options above. Try to imagine the opposite of your instinctual reaction, what it would be like to give up your own automatic choices, to be more generous for example. Ask ‘what does God want for you’?