David Coghlan in action

David Coghlan SJ is a leading expert on ‘action research’ and co-editor of The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research, just published. As the name suggests, ‘Action Research’ involves a business, community, group or individual engaging strategically in research so that a desired action or change results. The book is a major reference for all those interested in this type of work.
David lectures in the Business Studies centre of Trinity College Dublin and in March this year the fourth edition of his bestselling book Doing Action Research in Your Own Organisation was launched. Co-authored by his close friend and colleague, the late Theresa Brannick, it was warmly welcomed as a book full of practical, expert advice on how to navigate the murky waters of ethics, politics, and management in business and community organizations. Multidisciplinary in its approach to action research, the book set out a step-by-step template for researchers to follow and adapt.
This latest work, The Encyclopedia of Action Research is an essential resource for students, researchers, and practitioners hoping to generate real change through their action research project and according to David is relevant to a wide range of people and organisations including those studying Business and Management, those working in nursing and health areas and those involved in education and sociology.
‘Action research’ when adopted by an individual or organisation, involves design, implementation, evaluation, reflection, and the generation of knowledge leading to relevant action. But because of the diffuse nature of the many varied areas where ‘action research can be applied, David knew that it would be invaluable to produce a work that would bring the different traditions, philosophies, settings and applications of ‘action research into one place. The two volumes of this encyclopedia which he co-authored with M. Brydon-Miller does just that.
Sage publications who have published the work, also produced this short video in which David answers clearly and concisely, basic questions about ‘action research’ and the importance of this latest book. You can click here to watch the video.