Successful year at Messenger Publications
2009 saw the emergence of a rebranded and reinvigorated Messenger Jesuit Publications (MJP). A shift of focus onto the design and print management of books has reflected in the healthiest year-end figures since 2004. With the help of the Jesuit Communication Centre, A Selection of Irish Art with Reflections by long-time columnist Sr Maureen MacMahon featured on the six and nine o’ clock news on RTE TV. It sold out in just over 6 months. This book was quickly followed by a collaborative project spearheaded by Deirdre Soffe of Partners in Mission, resulting in the beautifully produced Ignatian Spirituality written by Brian O’Leary. There were further successes, as Messenger Marketing Manager Triona McKee outlines below.When Crescent College Comprehensive thought of a book to celebrate 150 years of Jesuit education in Limerick, the Messenger team lent a helping hand guiding the design and production of this commemorative project. A firm partnership with Timire and the Pioneer magazines has seen new life breathed into the design of these well established titles as well as further collaboration on their extended print projects, including Alan McGuckian’s labour of love Scéal an Oilithrigh. Not only have the Messenger team being working with their Jesuit colleagues, they have also forged links with such groups as the Bethany Bereavement Support group. We are looking forward to launching Mary Brady’s very personal experience of grief and her creative ways of coping with loss in Time Without You on Jan 21st in Manresa.