Brian Mac Cuarta SJ

‘Exemplary piece of humane scholarship’

February 13, 2023

'The Jesuit Mission in Early Modern Ireland (1560-1760),' with editors Brian Mac Cuarta SJ and Mary Ann Lyons, was launched in The Woodlock Hall Library, by Professors Mary O'Dowd and...

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Reflecting on Jesuit times past

November 20, 2019

After reading through the 'Irish Jesuit Annual Letters' published recently, Bill Toner SJ reflects on the shape of Jesuit life in 17th century Ireland

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Retreat for Roman houses

July 16, 2019

Brian Mac Cuarta SJ and Gerry Whelan SJ took part in a recent retreat to improve the quality of their lives as Jesuits working in Rome

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The Jesuits in Northern Ireland

April 9, 2019

Brian Mac Cuarta SJ, director of the Society's archives, addressed a conference recently on Jesuit initiatives in community development in Northern Ireland

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Brief encounters and the eternal city

October 15, 2018

The new book of Jesuit historian Brian Mac Cuarta is a tale of European travel and conversion to Catholicism, from 16th century Ireland

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Death of eminent historian

December 11, 2017

Renowned Irish historian and Marist priest Fr Brendan Bradshaw died peacefully yesterday, 10 December, at Cherryfield Nursing Home in Milltown Park

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New Fr General prays in St Ignatius’ room

October 18, 2016

Brain Mac Cuarta SJ was present when the new Jesuit Fr General prayed with one of the oldest books in the Jesuit archives in Rome

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Archival riches in Rome

October 12, 2016

Fr Brian Mac Cuarta SJ, Director of the Archives of the central government for the worldwide Society of Jesus, was interviewed recently by Vatican Radio

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Jesuit General Congregation in full swing

October 12, 2016

On Friday Jesuit delegates in Rome will elect a new leader. They've been there over a week and here's what they've been doing

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A first for Irish language in Rome

October 4, 2016

For the first time in the Society of Jesus' four hundred and seventy five year history, Irish has been used at a Jesuit General Congregation.

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