Ireland funds African projects
The Jesuit Mission Office works hard to raise funds for a variety of projects in different parts of the world, and recently Murt Curry and his colleagues in the office were rewarded. Four more projects were approved by Misean Cara, bringing the total project money approved in 2008 to 560,000 euro. Our picture shows JVI volunteers Dermot and Josephine, who are helping Br Paul Desmarais SJ with an ECO-Housing and Metal Workshop project in Kasisi, Zambia. Read Murt’s report below.
While working with Misean Cara towards a new method of funding called Integrated or Block funding, the Mission Office continues to apply for Development Funds through Project applications and salary co-funding. The four newly approved projects are: 1. the construction of a community income centre in Bendum in Mindanao, under the leadership of Peter Walpole SJ; 2. Funding of the ECO-Housing and Metal Workshop project undertaken by the two JVI volunteers in Kasisi in Zambia; 3. The re-furbishment of Primary School buildings in Kasungu, Malawi, under the guidance of Stanko Rozman SJ; and 4. the purchase of a flat-back truck for the Educational needs of Nimule Parish in South Sudan.
The salary co-funding applications total 300,000 euro, distributed among 28 development workers, mostly in JRS East and JRS West Africa and in the Zambia/Malawi Province. While the amount allocated to Misean Cara from Irish Aid for 2009 is as yet unknown, it is hoped that the present level of funding will be maintained. A number of other applications are being prepared for the coming year.