Magis retreat – ‘a very special week’

December 7, 2011 in General, News

magis_pray_01‘A very special week’ was how eight young retreatants described the Retreat in Daily Life at Magis Ireland, Gardiner St. on Sunday 27 November. They were introduced to different ways of praying and made practical arrangements to meet daily with their prayer guides, committing to thirty minutes of prayer each day. They also dipped into the evening workshops on ‘Images of God’ and ‘Discernment Leading to Good Decision Making.’ At the Gospel Choir Mass in Gardiner St Church, they listened to Donal Neary SJ’s invitation to be co-creators with God in a world constantly being created. Soft music and candle light spilled out of the Magis Ireland building each evening as retreatants and prayer guides met for their  sessions. The retreat ended on Friday evening with a powerful sharing of experiences and deeply prayerful thanks.


‘Being able to talk and share about my own journey with God, I realise how much He works in my life on a daily basis.’

‘Each day I came to meet with my guide and was very welcomed. It was beautiful and peaceful knowing that God was in the room working through others.  I really enjoyed every minute of it’.

‘The sharing of prayer experiences with my guide…a truly fascinating experience.’

‘I picked up different messages along the way by making time and having the discipline to consistently be in a space for God to meet me. I am clearer about what my needs are, my strengths and what needs more attention. I am more aware of me and God and our relationship.’

‘I really valued the time, the safe space, the confidentiality…making our time a sacred space. It was an excellent retreat with an excellent prayer guide’.

‘It was a retreat centred on prayer. I wasn’t distracted by other people. I loved the discernment workshop, it gave me a lot to think about. I really did pick the right spiritual director and there was a lovely welcoming atmosphere in Magis. I would have liked more evening workshops!’

‘Constantly being mindful of God and asking where God is in each situation, receiving spiritual guidance and being educated in that.’

‘Developing and deepening my relationship with God. Getting to know Jesus better and inviting him more fully into my life. Realising that God has a plan for me and that he gave me unique talents to pursue that.’

‘The workshops were excellent as was the opening and closing events as we got to come together and share and talk about our experience and where we were coming from.’

‘Its been a very special week. Remarkable in many ways.’