Magis travels to Galway

May 18, 2010 in General, News

disability_01‘Understanding Disability – Our Relationship with Ability’ was the theme of the first West of Ireland-based Magis experience. Organised by Slí Eile, Jesuit Centre for Young Adults, the event took place in the NUIG chaplaincy centre on Sat 8 May. A young adult with chronic fatigue syndrome and a young woman caring for her father shared their experiences with the group. The carer highlighted how society actually disables the person with the disability by not providing adequate services. Attendants also met with a self-advocacy group of people with intellectual disabilities and were told that tackling disabilty is not about  providing for ‘special’ needs but meeting basic human rights. Reflection on the way in which we experience ability and disability in ourselves led on to a closing liturgy. For further information, contact Noelle Fitzpatrick at 01-8880606.