No slowdown at Manresa

June 30, 2020 in Featured News, News

Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality in Dollymount, Dublin, continues to offer a range of online retreats while making preparations to reopen in the near future. They have kept in touch with people through their online newsletter and have offered resources for the Covid-19 crisis. Here, Director Piaras Jackson SJ reports on the centre’s latest activities.

“Another event began recently with a 6-day directed retreat on 26 June. We are glad to serve ‘souls’ even as we miss the bodies. Although we are glad to see the reopening of churches in Ireland, Manresa will not reopen while we continue to review the catering and residential aspects of the work of the centre.

It is not yet time to reap the fruits of a lot of rethinking, deliberation and discernment, but we remain hopeful of offering some dates for August as we continue to develop and refine new operating procedures.

This work brings an appreciation of all who want to keep Manresa alive, active and engaged and of people’s patience too. We hope that the links offered here » will be of interest and will be glad to connect with people in any of the opportunities listed below.”

The opportunities include:

A one-day photography retreat entitled Seeing the Light in Life on Saturday, 11 July. Here, Steve Radley will lead participants through some reflection on approaches to photography. He has reworked his previous retreat to offer a day online in an opportunity for you see life and light where you are and to grow in appreciation of what you notice. Click here for details ».

A 5-day self-directed retreat from a date of choice entitled Being at Home with Mary with Sr Aileen Murphy RLR. Participation will involve being given access to reflections on a selection of the Mysteries on the Rosary, taking into account our new local and global realities. Our hope is that we too might treasure all the experiences and come to know, trust and be at home with God, as Mary was. Click here for details ».

An Oasis Day in Irish entitled Díseart Lae on Saturday, 29 August. It will include talks, sessions of guided prayer, lunch and an opportunity for individual meeting with a spiritual director. Click here for details ».

Click here for a full list of Manresa’s retreats ».