Slí Eile assist at UN World Poverty Day

October 14, 2008

Slí Eile (Jesuit centre for young adults) is one of 25 voluntary groups involved in a series of events to mark the UN Eradication of World Poverty Day on Friday...

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First aid training in Leeson Street

October 14, 2008

On 9th October the Hopkins Room in Leeson Street hosted a day of training in First Aid for personnel in Jesuit works. There were people from Milltown, JRS, Pioneers, JCC,...

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Short notices

October 14, 2008

Last week saw the ordination of the first Vietnamese Jesuit to be ordained a bishop, Cosmas Hoang Van Dat SJ (pictured here). The Irish Times carried an article about Fr...

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Provincial visits Cherryfield before move

October 14, 2008

The Irish Provincial, Fr John Dardis, was on visitation to Cherryfield Lodge on Monday, 13 October, the last visitation before the transfer to the new building, which is due to...

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Funding for Zambia

October 14, 2008

Murt Curry SJ has spent a packed fortnight in Zambia, with two consultants, Anne and Brenda (pictured here) from the International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTARC), London. They were evaluating...

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Addiction Seminar

October 14, 2008

Manresa has booked an impressive line-up of speakers for a one-day seminar on “Addiction and the Family: breaking the cycle. ” They include political figures (Mary Wallace, Feargal Quinn), therapists...

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Milltown colloquium on liberation theology

October 14, 2008

Jim Corkery SJ was one of five main speakers at a colloquium on liberation theology held in Milltown Institute on 3-4 October. The colloquium was designed to mark the 40th...

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Burying Jack Donovan SJ

October 14, 2008

AMDG does not normally report funerals, but Jack’s was special. All through his life he had opted for obscurity. He was described at the funeral Mass as a “low maintenance...

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JCFJ launch website budget feature

October 14, 2008

Along with a statement suggesting priorities for the national budget, Tony O’Riordan, SJ, of the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, has just launched a new website feature: ‘Monitoring Cutbacks...

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