John Henry Newman
St John Henry Newman: Hedgehog and fox
June 19, 2023
DERMOT ROANTREE :: Newman believed in the unity of all truth, and it was this that made him unafraid to expose students to a wide range of ideas and influences.
Read moreThe riches of Hopkins
December 16, 2021
Brendan Staunton SJ was a guest speaker at this year's Hopkin's Festival. His paper focused on Hopkin's sonnet 'As Kingfishers Catch Fire'.
Read moreKnow what you’re talking about
January 7, 2021
A four-week online introduction to theology will be given by the Loyola Institute Trinity College Dublin, starting on Wednesday 27 January. It's open to all.
Read moreNewman and a new way of formation
May 26, 2020
Dermot Mansfield SJ hosted a unique online retreat on St John Henry Newman for laity in leadership roles
Read moreNew book on Newman
October 9, 2019
Messenger Publications is marking the upcoming canonisation of Blessed John Henry Newman with the publication of a concise biography by Fr Michael Collins
Read moreJohn Henry Newman: a saint for the times
February 14, 2019
Blessed John Henry Newman has been cleared for canonisation. Dermot Roantree considers the different uses that Catholics will make of his legacy.
Read moreThe ironies of Catholic traditionalism
April 18, 2018
DERMOT ROANTREE :: There are some disconcerting ironies in the attitude of Catholic traditionalism, not least that it has come to resemble the very thing it opposes
Read moreThe death penalty and doctrine, Part 2
December 15, 2017
DERMOT ROANTREE :: The Pope's critics think he is illogical. Newman's understanding of development, however, suggests a very different way to look at it.
Read moreChurch doctrine: The same but different
October 14, 2015
DERMOT ROANTREE :: Post 2 in series on 'Change we can believe in'. The Church makes the proud claim to be 'always the same' – the same even when it's...
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