Pedro Arrupe SJ

Pedro Arrupe’s final years

August 1, 2023

Brian Grogan SJ, author of 'Pedro Arrupe: A Heart Larger than the World', speaks about the Jesuit leader's stroke and final years.

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A man deeply in love with God

July 26, 2022

'Pedro Arrupe: A Heart Larger than the World' by Brian Grogan SJ illuminates the inspirational leader's profound relationship with God.

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Forty years of service

November 13, 2020

The Jesuit Refugee Service marks 40 years of accompanying, serving, and advocating for asylum seekers, refugees, and the forcibly displaced

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Just war is just gone

October 19, 2020

KEVIN HARGADEN :: 'Fratelli tutti' takes a firm stance on "Christological non-violence" and casts doubt on the theological viability of just-war theory.

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Pedro Arrupe: ‘Changing the hearts of people’

February 26, 2019

Brian Grogan SJ speaks to Pat Coyle about his new book on Pedro Arrupe and describes his "privileged" encounters with him

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Pedro Arrupe’s gift of creativity

February 20, 2019

Jim Corkery SJ, Professor of Theology at the Gregorian, spoke to Pat Coyle on the recent news that the case for beatification and canonisation of Pedro Arrupe has been opened

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Pedro Arrupe’s path to sainthood

February 4, 2019

The first step in the canonisation process of Fr Pedro Arrupe SJ will be broadcast live from Rome on Tuesday 5 February

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God is with us

November 4, 2016

The new Fr General of the Society of Jesus has given an extensive interview which throws much light on the man himself, his Jesuit life and the desires that draw...

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Pat Davis SJ reflects on his life as a Jesuit

March 24, 2015

Sharing the compassion of Jesus is what drives Pat Davis SJ who is marking twenty years of ministry with the Jesuits in Northern Ireland.

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Address to the Irish Province Assembly, 1978

December 2, 2007

by Pedro Arrupe SJ My dear brothers in Christ. Not counting my short stay in nineteen hundred and seventy one, for the meeting of the Ecumenists, it is nearly eleven...

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