Richard O’Dwyer SJ

Remembering the dead in prayer

November 23, 2021

The Annual Mass for the dead of Gardiner St parish offered peace and consolation to all of those who had lost a loved one during the pandemic.

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Rumbek’s distress

November 14, 2014

Richard O’Dwyer SJ, Director of MAJIS (Multi-educational and Agricultural Jesuit Institute of South Sudan), sent IJN a sad report in October: “I am attaching some recent reflections on South Sudan....

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Mary’s story

August 29, 2014

Before Richard O’Dwyer SJ melts back into Africa, he gives us a taste of his life there: “As I write, I am about to head back to South Sudan on...

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A new year and a new nation is born

January 25, 2011

After a break in Ireland, Richard O’Dwyer SJ was back in Lobone, Southern Sudan, in good time for the crucial referendum about the country’s future. The development goes far beyond...

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