Calling on young people for MAGIS 23

MAGIS is the gathering of the Ignatian Family Youth and Young Adults before every World Youth Day and this Monday 27 September, the date of the founding of the Jesuits will see the social media and official launch of MAGIS 23.
Pope Francis announced in Panama (2019) that the next WYD would take place in Portugal and Sam Beirão, SJ, from the Portuguese Province has been appointed the MAGIS 2023 General Coordinator. He has been spreading the good news to Jesuits and colleagues all around the world, especially to those in youth ministry.
“MAGIS is not only an event organized by a steering committee or a particular Jesuit Province. It is a
worldwide program that gathers us all in the same common mission” says Sam, who wants all those connected with MAGIS in any way, or those who would like to be, to mark the following dates and spread the word.
MAGIS 2023 will be officially announced to the world at 2pm Irish time on Monday 27 September. A specially produced video for the occasion can be viewed here.
The following week, Monday, October 4, the World Youth Day Committee will announce the official dates for WYD 2023. Immediately after that announcement, the dates for MAGIS 2023 will come out as well. In January 2023, MAGIS 2023 official site will go live.
“In the meanwhile,” says Sam, “you can start following and sharing MAGIS 2023 social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as magis2023_official.”
If you have any questions regarding MAGIS 23 you can contact Sam Beirão or Barbara Ferreira, who is MAGIS 2023 Communications Coordinator, at [email protected].
“Please keep MAGIS 2023 in your prayers,” asks Sam, adding, “We know how the Spirit dwells in those who trust their lives to God.”