Digital doors wide open at Manresa

March 17, 2021 in Featured News, News

Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality in Dollymount, Dublin, is keeping their digital doors open throughout Lent with a wide range of services including daily Mass, reflective videos and retreats.

The Jesuits continue to welcome a diverse congregation to their daily mass at 12.15pm. It is available audio-visually from the Arrupe Chapel using Zoom, allowing people to join in the prayers, readings and responses. They are happy to extend an invitation to people to participate in the Eucharist when they can. Click here for more information on mass ».

The retreat team continues to add video reflections as Lent progresses. In the first of the videos, Mike Drennan SJ reflected on the meaning of the ‘sabbath’ along with providing questions and scriptural texts. Piaras Jackson SJ reflected on the Transfiguration and on what it means to hear the gospel inland in the time of pandemic.

Aileen Murphy RLR invited people to step back and review their experiences of the week. In the latest video, Mike Drennan SJ considers what seeking and searching means in the light of the gospel. Click here for the Lenten videos ».

Online retreats are proving to be very successful during Lent. The Clonfert Diocesan Retreat for secular clergy took place from 21 to 25 February, 2021. Directed by Mike Drennan SJ, it included video presentations, scripture references, mass, guided prayer, spiritual accompaniment and evening group meetings.

The Dóchas – Finding Hope retreat (with the retreat team) and the Being at Home with Mary retreat (with Aileen Murphy RLR) have also been offered to retreatants at convenient times.

Upcoming retreats include Living Water and Living Light: Gospel Mysteries for Lent with Magdalen Lawler SND and Tom McGuinness SJ on 20 March; the 8-day Directed Retreat for Holy Week (26 March to 4 April); the popular Oasis Day on 17 April, and more. Click here for the retreat page ».

Pilgrim Ways evenings, that focus on an aspect of pilgrimage involving some input, quiet time and conversation, take place on a monthly basis to support seasoned and prospective walkers. The next meetings will be on 18 March and 15 April 2021. Click here for more information on Pilgrim Ways evenings ».

Piaras Jackson SJ, Director of Manresa, reflects on the lengthening of days during the month of March. He says:

“As this long Lent continues, the journey seeming to have begun last year, we understand what it is to spend time wandering in the desert.

There were surely those among the people of Israel who were slow to understand, needing the repetition of the years to reveal to them just what God was doing. So with ourselves: we only gradually recognise how long it takes for us to listen deeply.

Glad to keep digital doors open, we will be happy to welcome you to join us for an event or retreat as Easter approaches.

Treisigh ionainn, a Phádraig, an spiorad a choinnigh dóchas ionat (Strengthen in us, Patrick, the spirit that kept hope in you).”