Spiritual Tourism
In an interview with Pat Coyle of Irish Jesuit Communications, Sister Bernadette Flanagan talks about the growth of Spiritual Tourism in Ireland. Referencing the National Holy Wells Day on 18 June and the visitation of pilgrim routes such as those of Saint Patrick and Saint Brigid, she says, “There’s another component that people are looking for. It’s opening up the sacred dimension of ancient sites for the contemporary seeker”.
Sister Bernadette is the Chair of SpIRE (Spirituality Institute for Research and Education) which has been established to serve the spiritual seeking of people, contribute to the academic study of spirituality in higher education colleges, and promote the phenomenon of ‘spirituality and’. They will be running a Spirituality Summer School this August 21st to 25th which will include topics such as Spirituality and Imagination, Spirituality and Art, Spirituality and Literature, and a strong emphasis on Spirituality and Ecology.