Bill Toner SJ

Reflections on a dream

June 7, 2024

BILL TONER SJ :: A recent dream, centred on identity and masks, opened up a new way of seeing Christ in others.

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Meeting Jesus

April 10, 2024

BILL TONER SJ :: The Bible tells us that, without knowing it, we encounter Jesus in every person we meet. We are all “members of Christ’s body”.

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Maynooth honours MacGréil SJ’s moral compass

March 28, 2024

Irish Jesuits were among those who honoured the memory of Micheál MacGréil at a three day event in Maynooth and Westport.

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What will it mean to be a Catholic?

February 20, 2024

BILL TONER SJ :: There is no disguising the fact that the number of priests in Ireland is declining at an alarming rate. What lies ahead?

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Rathfarnham Castle: A Potted History

February 6, 2024

Bill Toner SJ details the history of Rathfarnham Castle which dates back to 1199. The Jesuits were the owners from 1913 to 1986.

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Let there be light

January 16, 2024

BILL TONER SJ :: Evolutionists who debunk God need to look a bit further back beyond the start of evolution and 'lighten up!'

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Are we always selfish?

November 7, 2023

BILL TONER SJ :: Exceptionally, Fr Tony de Mello SJ is wrong to say that charity is a 'masquerade' and that we always act from selfish motives.

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Doorways to God

October 10, 2023

BILL TONER SJ :: One of the problems of finding God today is that it is very easy for us to go to the wrong doorway.

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Images of God

August 18, 2023

BILL TONER SJ :: Our 'God concept' may become an impediment in our spiritual lives. So how should we imagine God, if God doesn't 'exist' as other things exist?

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Living with remorse

April 5, 2023

BILL TONER SJ :: We can judge ourselves harshly and be plagued for years by the thought of past acts we are ashamed of. Should we not cut ourselves some...

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