A Christmas cracker Messenger!

In a touching article in the December (2023) Messenger, Vincent Sherlock writes a letter to Santa,
thanking him for the various strands and pieces that comprise the jigsaw of his life to date.
Other articles reflect on the endings and beginnings associated with Advent and Christmas along with other seasonal themes. Peter McVerry SJ writes on ‘Being Poor at Christmas’ whilst Bishop Paul Dempsy discusses ‘Cancelling the Crib’.
Well-known and much-loved Ignatian writer Margaret Silf explores the wisdom of ‘later years’. And Aidan Seery looks at retirement. Andrea Hayes tells the story of an ‘Unwrapped Present’ and Fr Gerry Condon recalls his childhood Christmas and reflects on how, amid all the consumerism now associated with the season, we can recover ‘The Mystery of Christmas’. Read his article in full here »
Messenger editor Donal Neary SJ offers some insights into mental health issues at Christmas and also offers a Christmas novena. Scripture scholar Fr Martin Hogan looks at some Advent and Christmas texts and notes that ‘The Word is Near You.’
And if you’re a food or music buff the Messenger caters to that too, with an article by Brendan McManus SJ on being ‘Moved by Music’ and a recipe for French onion soup, and an apple and celeriac remoulade salad from Seamus Buckley.
Carol Anne Henry of Messenger Publications says that at a time often associated with gifts, the December Messenger encourages us to reflect and be grateful for the gifts we have in our lives – the love of God, the presence of family or loved ones, health, and the fact that most of us have a home over our heads and don’t suffer from persecution.
“We think back to the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt, ” she says, and how it mirrors the experience of so many people today. We think of those marginalised –maybe by disability. poverty, or membership of a minority group in society. We remind ourselves that we have much to be grateful for. And we bring to mind the many ways we can extend the hand of friendship and inclusion to all in this season of goodwill.”