Belvedere College launches podcast series

Belvedere College SJ, the Jesuit school for boys in Dublin City, has started a podcast series on how members of the College community speak to the Vision, Mission and Values (VMV) of the College. In this first conversation, Pádraig Swan, Director of Faith and Service Programmes at Belvedere, speaks to Barbara Fitzgerald who is a parent of three boys in second, third and fifth year. Click here to listen to the podcast ».
Barbara begins the conversation with an account of her training in the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola that enables her to experience the joy of a resurrection faith. She has a long association with Belvedere through her brother who attended the school. She recalls the inspirational figure of Brother Eamonn Davis SJ, watching school plays and attending Mass in the school after the Sleepout event for the homeless.
Barbara discusses her sons’ education with an emphasis on the whole person (Cura Personalis) that includes the running of formative events such as the Camino spiritual experience and Kairos retreat. Pádraig shares some of his own experiences working with Barbara in the school, for example, with the Jesuit Identity Committee (JIC). He will speak with Ger Brennan, All-Ireland winning Dublin footballer, in the next of Belvedere’s VMV conversations.