Guide for Advent prayer

The Jesuit Curia in Rome has issued a guide to prayer for this Advent which is based on the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAPs), four points of focus to which the Society of Jesus is committed for the coming decade. These four areas are: Showing the way to God through the Spiritual Exercises; Walking with the excluded; Journeying with Youth; and Caring for our common home. For more about the UAPs, see this section of the Curia website »
The Advent prayer guide refers to the UAPs as “four roads on which we are invited to walk with others”. In order for these preferences to become part of the process of discerning aspects of mission and renewal, the document notes the need that they would become part of the prayer of Jesuits and colleagues. With this in mind the document makes suggestions and provides reflections for both individual and communal prayer.
Download the Advent Prayer Guide here »