Sacred Space for Lent

Messenger Publications, the publishing house of the Irish Jesuits, has just released Sacred Space for Lent 2024, a printed format of the internationally-known online prayer guide ‘Sacred Space‘, which offers daily prayers, reflections and Gospel readings. It was founded by the Irish Jesuits in 1999.
In preparation for the joy of the Resurrection, Sacred Space for Lent features a Scripture reading for each day with points of reflection. The weekly theme offers the reader a topic to pray and meditate on, such as “what are the gifts we have received from God?” and “God speaks to each of us individually. I listen attentively to hear what he is saying to me”.
“You will be taken into the awareness of being always in God’s presence, you will face into the living word, have a chat with the loving Lord, and bring your time of prayer to a simple end…awesome value in every sense.“ – The Catholic Post