Forthcoming events
July 19, 2011
Saturday 23 July: Monasterevin Hopkins Society Annual Festival will be held in the Baronial Hall, Moore Abbey Monasterevin and Monasterevin House, Main Street, Monasterevin. Enquiries please Tel: 086 6075601 or...
Read moreJesuit Missions famine appeal
July 19, 2011
As many countries in East Africa face into famine once again, the Jesuit Mission Office have launched an emergency appeal to help those facing hunger and starvation in crisis stricken...
Read moreJESUITICA: Confederate priest
July 19, 2011
As he lay in prison after the defeat of his troops in the American Civil War, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, received a small token of comfort from...
Read moreManresa launches new website
July 19, 2011
Manresa, the Jesuit Centre of Spirituality, in Dollymount, Dublin, has just relaunched its website to reflect the large array of retreats, training programmes and evening events planned for the coming...
Read moreWorking Notes archive available
July 19, 2011
Online access to Working Notes, the highly-regarded journal of the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, is just one of the features of their newly-launched website. All articles going back...
Read moreSolidarity with people of Cloyne
July 19, 2011
In the wake of the publication of Justice Murphy’s report into the handling of clerical sexual abuse cases in Cloyne diocese, Parish Priest Donal Neary SJ had the following statement...
Read moreVolunteers hard at work
July 19, 2011
The young people who volunteered for summer work with Magis Ireland are well into their stints in faraway places. Ten volunteers headed off for Kingston, Jamaica, at the beginning of...
Read moreShort Notices
July 19, 2011
The Lonergan Research Institute co-sponsored a symposium to honour Philip McShane (bottom row left in ordination photo from 1963), who was an Irish Jesuit for 25 years, for his five...
Read moreBlogaloggers in the Lord!
July 19, 2011
Irish Jesuit Paul Campbell, publishing editor of Loyola Press in Chicago has Pat Coyle of the Jesuit Communication Centre as his guest ‘blogalogger’ on his People for Others website, this...
Read moreAMA Samy SJ – Jesuit and Zen teacher
July 19, 2011
Jesuit priest and Zen Buddhist teacher AMA Samy visited Ireland for the first time at the invitation of Myles O’Reilly SJ. He gave a talk on ‘The Christian Way and...
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