Richard Leonard SJ

Pentecost and Confirmation

May 10, 2024

Richard Leonard SJ speaks with Pat Coyle about confirmation and about Pentecost, which is seen as 'the first confirmation.

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The Beatitudes – ‘The blessing is within the experience’

July 25, 2023

Australian Jesuit Fr Richard Leonard speaks to Pat Coyle about the 'big gospel passage on law and love' known as the Beatitudes.

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Love is not a feeling

July 18, 2023

Richard Leonard SJ recounts some of the wedding stories from his latest book 'The Law of Love' including some 'unusal' song requests.

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Fifty-eight most powerful words

January 20, 2023

"The fifty-eight most powerful words in the world." is how Richard Leonard SJ describes the Lord's Prayer, in his latest book The Law of Love.

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A new word for ‘sin’

October 28, 2022

Richard Leonard SJ scrutinises religious language in his book 'The Law of Love', and says the word 'sin' is meaningless for many young people. He has an alternative.

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The ten commandments revisited

October 21, 2022

Richard Leonard SJ's encounters with a supreme court judge and a secular Jew led him to review the ten commandments for his latest book 'The Law of Love'.

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Retrieving real Christianity

October 6, 2022

Richard Leonard's latest book 'The Law of Love' seeks to retreive the central and authentic messages of Christianity and in language that can be understood.

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Forgiving our enemies

August 9, 2022

How realistic is Jesus' command to forgive our enemies? Just one of the questions Richard Leonard SJ explores in his latest book 'The Law of Love.'

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Beloved by Christ

July 22, 2022

Richard Leonard SJ speaks about the uniqueness of the incarnation among world religions and its significance in and through other people.

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Love and the law

June 20, 2022

Richard Leonard SJ gives traditional church teaching on gospel values a modern day make-over in his latest book 'The Law of Love: Modern Language for Ancient Wisdom.'

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