FÁS publish graphic novel on Polish Jesuit

Liam Ó Maonlaí of Hothouse Flowers entertained the gathering the launch of a graphic novel, as gaeilge, on the life of Polish Jesuit Stanislaw Kostka, published by Timire-FÁS. This unique novel is the result of the collaboration of Frank Brady SJ, editor of the Irish language spirituality magazine An Timire, and Prezemek Wysoglad. Prezemek is the author of the graphic novel Kostka, originally written in Polish and illustrating the life of Fr Stanislaw who died 450 years ago this year.
Bhásaigh N. Stanislaw Kostka sa Róimh 450 ó shin i mbliana. Bhí sé i ndiaidh siúl ón Vien/Vienna mar a bhí sé ag staidéar, tré Augsburg agus Dillingen chun dul i gCumann Íosa gan toil a athair! Mar chomóradh ar 450 bliain a bháis sheol Foilseacháin Abhair Spioradálta ‘Kostka’ úrscéal grafach ar bheatha N. Stan. Déardaoin seo caite ag 7.30. Prezemek Wysoglad, sagart óg Polannach a scríobh is a dhear an ‘Coimic’ seo agus d’aistrigh Marc Ó Fionnáin díreach ón bPolainnis go Gaeilge é.
The event took place in St Audoen’s church, High Street, and the current Head of Mission at the Polish Embassy, Mr Lukasz Chimiak launched the book. Members of the Polish Community in Ireland, and friends of Timire-FÁS from the Irish speaking community in Dublin were entertained by Polish musicians Piotr and Camilla Czechowski from Ballymun, as well as by Liam Ó Maonlaí, well known musician and leader of the Hothouse Flowers. “We were given a great welcome in his beautiful St Audoen’s church by Fr Stanislaw Hajkowski SChr, Rector of the Church of St. Audoen and Coordinator of the Polish Chaplaincy in Ireland. Prezemek Wysoglad, who had worked as a young Jesuit in Crescent College Limerick, came back for the occasion and spoke to us of how important it is to make friends with our weaknesses and to respect our desires,” said Frank Brady SJ.
Deir an Ghaeilge gur “beatha duine a thoil”. Deir ‘Kostka’: “is iad ár mianta a deir cé sinne”, arsa Phroinsias (Frank). “Polish speaking people are an integral part of our people and Irish is theirs too. Our desire is to share its riches with all our people,” he added.
Bhain a raibh ann ard thaithneamh as an oíche. Chas cairde ar a chéile agus nascadh cairdeas nua idir pobal na Gaeilge agus an pobal Polannach san Ardchathair.
Tá an úrscél grafach seo le fáil ar €10 tríd an bpost ó Fhoilseacháin Ábhair Spioradálta, 37 Sr Líosain, BÁC 2, D02W938, ar díol sa Siopa Leabhar, Sr Fhearchair, BÁC, sa 4ú Póilí, Béal Feirste agus i siopaí leabhar ar fud na tíre.