Messenger’s September moments

“In times of letting go, let God in! God is the one we need never let go of and who will never let go of us.” So says Donal Neary SJ, editor of the Messenger, in his opening article entitled ‘Letting go’ in the September edition of the long-running Jesuit magazine.
September is the month when students young and old return to or begin their education venture. Fr Vincent Sherlock reflects on the importance of learning throughout all life’s stages. “The hope,” he says, “is that in the fullness of educational pursuit, all will be open to what is new, and faithful to what has brought them to the threshold of this new September moment.”
Readers are also reminded of Pope Francis’ intention for September, where he calls on people to pray for the earth, the planet we call our home. “Let us pray that each of us listens with our hearts to the cry of the earth and to the cries of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis”.
Still on the theme of creation and ecological conversion, Dr Ciara Murphy shares her thoughts on the ‘Season of Creation’, This is an annual Christian celebration that takes place from 1 September to 4 October (feast of St Francis of Assisi). Ciara. who is the Environmental Policy Advocate with the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice, shares her insights on the celebration and offers advice on how people can do their part in protecting the planet. “What are the barriers we face in making changes?” she asks, “And where can we best take action? Does ecological care factor when making decisions in our daily lives?”
Did you know that for the first third of Irish history, fruit was almost entirely absent from the Irish diet? That’s according to John Feehan, a well-known writer on issues of nature and ecology. In his article, ‘The Blackberry’ he explores the topic of the origins of fruit in Ireland, in particular, the blackberry. Reading his account may bring back many childhood memories of picking berries and making jam.
Brendan McManus SJ, pilgrim expert and author, addresses the pros and cons of the role of technology along the pilgrim way. He reminds us that the ‘real magic’ happens when we disconnect from all but the most basic forms of technology, thereby finding true inner peace.
The Messenger has all its regular features as well, – reflections, scripture, cookery, crosswords, children’s pages, nature focus, and RE:LINK.